Radio designed just for you. Featuring commentary and show highlights from America's Web Radio/ Radio Sandy Springs, Atlanta's home of diverse and fascinating programming.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Business Hour with Ron Comacho Friday
"Granting the wishes of serious and terminally ill children is serious business and
no organization does it better than the Children's Wish Foundation International.
Join host Ron Comacho of this Friday's Business Hour at 10AM, as he talks with
Brenda Webber, CWFI's Director of Public Relations to learn more about the
valuable work of wish fulfillment and how they make wishes come true."
I full down to Florida a couple of weeks ago and one of the recipients and his family were headed to Disney World. This was on a Monday evening and the next day there were terrible storms and I couldn't help but think and pray about and for that family. I hope I get to ask Ms. Webber about that. It is wonderful what they do and it means so much.
Listen to Ron Friday and be sure to tell and email your friends, the word is spreading. Thanks, MDM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Infectious Disease Hour
We also want to thank Mr. Tim Hudson of the Atlanta Braves for doing a PSA for the Georgia Department of Human Resources on being prepared. Check our home page for button link.
Please watch and pay attention to information on the various flu viruses.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Climbing the Walls
He’s a big deal now, and he doesn’t have a lot of time for his old friends, but that’s usually the way the world works. I don’t resent him for it.
We grew up together, Ken and me. Grade school, middle school, Hebrew school, then high school. We saw less of each other after we went our separate ways – he to one of the SUNY campuses in upstate New York, me to an Ivy League school in New Jersey.
[You’re probably thinking, what kind of Ivy League guy says “Ken and me”? Sod off, Mr. Grammar Pedant.]
The best times might have been during those late-afternoon Hebrew School classes. The class cutups used to sit in the back, out of the immediate steely gaze of Mr. Feld. Me, Bobby Spiegelman, Heshy Weitz, Jerry Kaufman, and Ken. Ken Spiderman.
When Mr. Feld wasn’t looking, Ken would climb up the back wall of the classroom and hang himself from a little web in the corner of the ceiling. It used to drive Feld nuts. “Where’s Ken?” he would ask, growing more frustrated and teed-off every time it happened...but not even once did he think to look up. And meanwhile, the rest of us would be busting blood vessels trying not to crack up.
Ken wasn’t a jock or anything in high school, although he did go out for some of the more offbeat teams. Cross country, lacrosse, tennis...never anything like football or baseball that might have earned him some respect. You always got the feeling he was holding back, that he could excel at anything physical but wanted to keep a low profile.
Jeez, was he ever deadly at handball, though, ’cause he could climb up the wall to get almost any shot. And four-wall? Forget about it. After a while, nobody would play with him – you just couldn’t score points against him. I mean, we all liked him, but it just wasn’t fun to get the snot beaten out of you every single time.
We used to shoot pictures for the school paper, and he was big-time into the yearbook. That’s where he met MJ, working on layout. They were hot and heavy for a while after that, and I guess that’s when I started seeing less of Ken.
But he was always a cool guy. Not like they say in the books. A nerd, he wasn’t. Fun to hang out with, he was, and he’d always be playing practical jokes with those web-shooters of his. I can’t tell you how often I almost pissed myself laughing at some of the stunts he’d pull.
That whole “Peter Parker” backstory, that was all baloney. Aunt May? Uncle Ben? Complete nonsense. But I guess someone thought he needed a more interesting bio. “With great power comes great responsibility,” and all that. What, being a Long Island kid wasn’t “sexy” enough?
But I’ll tell you one thing, and it’s not something you’ll hear from Ken. Not these days, anyway.
I’m the one who told him to start using the hyphen.
[Be sure to listen to “Lost in the Cheese Aisle” Sundays at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time at Radio Sandy Springs!]
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Randi Passof Receives First Bright Spot Award
It's The Journey, Inc
Strengthening Atlanta's Breast Cancer Community
Producers of
The Atlanta 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer (9/29-30)
The Atlanta Breast Cancer Challenge (Oct)
First recipient of Dot Blum's Bright Spot Award given on her show at Radio Sandy
If you have someone you'd like to submit for the Bright Spot Award email the station or give us a call.
If your company would like to participate in the award give the station a call at 404-943-1620, it is a wonderful honor to give to folks so deserving!
Blog, blog, blog!
Dot Blum did a fantastic job with the first Bright Spot Award on Friday February 22. So, tell the world. If you're into Blogging then blog, help yourself and help more people becoming aware of how Radio Sandy Springs is working to help everyone!
Thank you! Radio Sandy Springs has over 3 MILLION references so Yahoo states on I've checked out a lot of pages and were dominant on every page. Did you know they list your show, yep they do!
So thank you ALL! Oh Infectious Disease Hour Monday at 5 PM our guest is Dr. Pat O'Neal the Director of the Georgia DHR Medical Preparedness. It is important that you listen!
Friday, February 22, 2008
From David's Desk
I do feel we are the best, kindest, and most giving people in the world. Unfortunately because of our values and willingness to help we are criticized and taken advantage of and have accomplished worldwide misunderstanding! For this reason I am vitally concerned about the coming elections. Sure, I'd like to take the easy road and just walk away, leaving folks to their own demise but that's not us. Plus, for the life of me and I'm older than most of you, I can't figure what's not to understand about people, the terrorist, that want to kill and bury our way of life. Call it what you will but I think we're involved in a very serious Holy War that we must win.
Now for you folks that don't have kids, or don't believe in what we're doing listen up, as a father that has a son in college that is already signed up in the Air Force I can appreciate what other father's feel. I must add that my son made his own decision to join and I asked him why? His answer and it brings tears to my eyes each time I say it, "well Dad, I love this country and it's done a lot for us and I feel it is every citizen's obligation to give back. And, four years is not asking too much for a life time." Where and what have you done for your country? Like Australia, if one doesn't like it here, then go somewhere else. But, you won't find the great folks like the one's next door, across the street and doing shows on Radio Sandy Springs, just because they care about others.
End of Soap Box. When you listen to the candidates are they really for your country or for themselves?
Blog from:
If I say so myself it is a very nice looking award and the person receiving the award should be proud to display it in most any room!
So tune in to for the first Bright Spot Award. This is FUN!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Business Hour w/Ron FOOD and WINE STAR!
Tune in to The Business Hour this Friday at 10AM as host Ron Comacho talks with
Aline and Cathy Silverstine of La Petite Maison and Robin Bernardot (ben-are-dott)
of Benardot Nutrition, an internationally recognized Nutritionist and Dietition who will share the behind-the-scenes of creating an upscale new restaurant as well as the cultural and nutritional aspects of French food and French diet."
Bright Spot with Dot Blum
Congratulations goes to Dot Blum for coming up with the Bright Spot Award and handling the process for determining the recipient. Dot will be doing an award once a month so if you have a person deserving of the award contact Dot!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
They discussed folks that genuinely give of themselves and generously to charities like Paul Newman, the founder of Habitat etc. However, in my opinion the most important point she brought to the interview is what a giving country and people we are, and she's right.
Just today I received an email from some doctor in Indonesia who has written a book about the fact that the Avian Flu is real a US scheme to conquer the world. She happens to be the Health Minister. All I could say is what a crock!
Indonesia has been around a lot longer than the US and all they've managed to do is perfect poverty. Maybe this lady instead of worrying about how much she can make off her book of lies, should be out teaching her people what to do with a bar of soap!
Compassion - yes I have compassion but I'm also tired of the world taking potshots at the US when we do more for others than any other nation in the world. I'm not a big fan of Colin Powell but he did make a very good point the other day when he said something to the effect, the only land that the US has ever asked for or gotten even after conquering a country like Germany is enough land to bury our dead.
We are a great country with great giving people and my hat is off to Bernard and his guest.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Have you made your appointment for your class tour of the museum? Calling all patriots it is time to call and make your class plans, scout troop plans, business plans and the list goes on to tour the National Museum of Patriotism. This tour is GUARANTEED to produce no less than one a possibly 100s of thousand goose bumps – depending on your age! if the museum doesn’t bring water to your eyes, nothing will! Call them Today!
We are so proud of Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Atlanta and their new TV commercial it’s great! And, we’re so proud to have them doing a weekly show on Radio Sandy Springs! Did you tryout their recipe? It on our blog page and it is GOOD so go there now download and listen to the Le Cordon Bleu Radio Show tomorrow on Radio Sandy Springs. I’ll give a FREE Radio Sandy Springs T-shirt to the first person to comment to my blog.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
We had 2 amazing guests on Feb.11 talking about the extreme cases of disorganization. Dr. David Tolin, author of Buried in Treasures and Judith Kolberg, author of Conquering Chronic Disorganization. They gave us some great insight on ways to help and work with these difficult cases.
There IS HOPE! Dr. Tolin described some of the new ways that psychiatrists and organizers are able to help hoarders re-shape the way they think about their possessions. And Kolberg shared some interesting stories about the people she has helped and creative ways she helped get things in order.
The Organizing Playground has a new friend!
Sara Fisher has joined the team as co-host of our chat show.
She is a professional organizer and her business is A Simple Space.
She can be found on the web at:
-- Allison Carter, The Professional Organizer
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Recipe for Warm Soft Chocolate Molten Cake
8 tablespoons of sweet butter (not salted)
2 teaspoons of flour
4 ounces of bittersweet Chocolate
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
2 ounces of Granulated Sugar
1 tablespoon of Cocoa Powder
Preheat over to 450 degrees
Butter 4 oz molds, custard cups or ramekins
dust each mold with flour
Melt the Chocolate and the butter
Beat the eggs and egg yolks and sugar together until thick and pale yellow
Whisk the Chocolate and utter mixture until combined then fold into the egg mixture
Fold in 2 tsp of flour
Divide among the molds
Bake 6 to 7 minutes
Remove from Oven
Let rest for 10 seconds
Invert on plate
See, easy and delicious and will go a long way in impressing that special someone! Thanks to the chefs from Le Cordon Bleu for the recipe and sure to listen to them on Tastebuds, Tuesdays from 11am-12pm only on Radio Sandy Springs.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Lost in the Cheese Aisle

Radio Sandy Springs welcomes the latest addition to its schedule: Lost in the Cheese Aisle, hosted by noted raconteur, blogger, and all-around windbag Steve Elisson.

Elisson has garnered a certain amount of infamy as the creator of Blog d'Elisson, an online web journal that has been named among the 100 World’s Most Informative Blogs by a recent study at Carnegie Mellon University. [As a result, Carnegie Mellon's academic credentials have come under unprecedented scrutiny.] He is also the author of Shorts in a Wad: One Hundred 100-Word Stories, a collection of (what else?) 100-word stories, each of which can be read in just minutes by people of average literacy.
Why "Lost In The Cheese Aisle?"
Why, indeed.
Elisson's wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) has often observed that Steve seems to drift off into a world of his own. At times like this, she says that he is lost in the cheese aisle...wandering around aimlessly...and looking for Limburger in all the wrong places.
Let Steve Elisson share his strange personal world with you. Listen to Lost in the Cheese Aisle Sunday afternoons at 4 p.m. Eastern time.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
From David's Desk
Well here it is time to do another creative job of writing and I quickly have several topics to cover.
The first is the pollsters; frankly I don’t much care what they say before or after the ballots are casted. I do find it interesting this year that they can’t seem to get much right other than the day after excuses. Maybe all pollsters are former Falcon football coaches they know what they did wrong after they’ve lost the game. At any rate I don’t really care whether your candidate won, I just hope you went out and voted. If you didn’t go vote then don’t complain about the turnout.
Next subject, Avian Flu and dah it is of potential pandemic proportion. As the guy used to say on Laugh In “Very Interesting” and it is as more and more behind the scene things are happening. You may think our Infectious Disease Hour that we’ve been doing now for almost two years is crazy, it’s not. A friend in a local middle school was talking to the school’s nurse that just returned from a “School Nurse’s Conference” and told my friend I had no idea how serious the potential Avian Flu Pandemic is. This is as she’s printing out a large “Preparedness” document. Folks this is not “Chicken Little” it does involve chickens but it is NO game!!! We had Sharron on from on Monday’s Infectious Disease Hour a very good show and her little business is used by WHO, the UN, and many more to track outbreaks of infectious diseases around the world. If you think the Avian Flu is a joke then go to the CDC website, FluTrackers, or even Google Alert and learn for yourself. As the school nurse said the people speaking at the conference said (as we’ve been saying) the potential pandemic could easily kill millions – and that’s just in the United States! HELLO – wake up folks! So, what can you do about it? Be prepared, stock up on WATER, food, masks, and a large amount of hand soap. Learn to wash your hands every time you come and go and PLEASE teach your children how to wash their little hands properly! At this very moment we can’t prevent it, but we can prepare for it. By-the-way as you are preparing for the potential flu pandemic you are also preparing for man-made (terrorist) or natural disaster or hazard. So, your time and money to be prepared is NOT a waste!
Finally and this is our weakest area personally – work in and with your neighbors. If a neighbor thinks this is a joke go to the next neighbor and when it turns out not to be a joke be prepared to turn the first neighbor away! Sounds cruel, well some projections by local, state, national and international authorities description of what could possibly happen means literally arming one’s self to protect your family and hold on to the food and water you have, because you are prepared!
If the Avian Flu does breakout, remember you are your best protection – wash your hands frequently, don’t go out, and continue particularly if you do get the flu or a family member does STAY hydrated!!!
Please don’t take my word for any of the above – Google Avian Flu and check all this out for yourself!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Dan's Even More Instant Replay
- That game represented everything we love about sports. It's an over used cliche, but could Hollywood write a more compelling script? In one corner you have a team going for the first ever 19-0 season in NFL history with a golden boy quarterback and a villainous head coach in the other corner a group of underdogs lead by a quarterback who had been trashed by his fan base his entire career and a head coach that almost got fired after the prior season. Couple that David vs. Goliath scenario with two brilliant fourth quarter drives and possibly the greatest and most bizarre play in Super Bowl history and you have what is one of the best Super Bowls of all time.
- How good was Eli Manning in the 4th quarter? He was simply brilliant. New York cannibalizes its sports stars more so than any city except maybe Philadelphia and Eli was public enemy #1 in NYC. He put together an amazing four game playoff stretch playing nearly flawlessly and in just a matter of months he went from "Sheli" to a living legend.
- Hey Falcons fans, wish the birds would have waited a couple of weeks and interviewed Giants DC Steve Spagnuolo? No slight against Mike Smith at all, but Spagnuolo's stock is soaring right now after his defense dominated the Patriots. It will go down as one of the great coaching jobs in Super Bowl history.
- Speaking of coaching, it was shocking how badly Big Game Bill Belicheck got outcoached. The Giants were just better prepared in every aspect of the game and Belicheck's decision to go for it on a 4th down rather than attempt a 48 yard field goal in the 4th quarter proved to be a deciding factor in the game. I'm still not sure what to make of Belicheck walking off the field with 1 second on the clock. To me it was a technicality and much of the vitriol directed towards Belicheck has to do with the fact that he's just not a likable person.
- 8 of the first 31 Super Bowls were decided by fewer than 10 points. 6 of the last 11 have been decided by 7 points or fewer. We might not be getting the great teams like the 70s Steelers, 80s 49ers or 90s Cowboys, but we're getting much more compelling games on Super Sunday. In an era where the hoopla surrounding the game was more interesting than the game in the 90s, this shift towards a compelling game is obviously great for the NFL.
- I hope the decision makers for College Football were watching last night. The Giants finished the season 14-6. They are still a more deserving champion in their sport than LSU is in college. The Giants went on the road and beat the 13-3 Cowboys, 14-3 Packers and 19-0 Patriots to win their title. They played the best football in the playoffs. Perhaps the best team can't be determined until the very end of the season. Oh by the way, this was possibly the most watched Super Bowl of all time and the second most watched TV event of all time, College Football is lucky to get 1/3 of that audience now. I'm just saying...
Check out my show, The Instant Replay Wednesdays from 8-9pm and Saturday from 1-2pm
Saturday, February 2, 2008
MONDAY February 4, 2008
Welcome and a very interesting live interview with the owner regarding the spread of Avian Flu the lethal H5N1 virus. Tune to for the absolute latest!
Check Google and Yahoo, this is the amazing number of references found in Yahoo to typing in Radio Sandy Springs, don’t take my word for check it out yourself. 1 - 10 of about 3,180,000 for Radio Sandy Springs (About this page) this is from