Monday, March 23, 2009

Diva Success Network!

Divas are on the rise. Plain and simple. Wouldn't you love to be one of them? Well then, Thursdays are your lucky days. Gina McNew hosts her show "The Diva Success Network" on Thursdays on Radio Sandy Springs from 1 to 2 P.M. Join Gina this week and release the Diva in you! Missed an episode of this or one of your other favorite shows? Don't worry! Just check out the archives on or search for "Radio Sandy Springs" on iTunes!


Unknown said...

Dear Thomas,

How can we get The Trip Chicks Radio Sandy Spring "Travel Talk Escapes" show (Monday) on your blog? I also have a blogger account at


Anonymous said...

Here is a link to Monday's Travel Talk: Escapes. Hope this helps!