Tuesday, October 7, 2008

To vote or not to vote, that is the question

Those of you who know me (or have listened to my show "The Instant Replay" 8-10pm Wednesdays only on Radio Sandy Springs) might be shocked to know that the upcoming Presidential Election is only the second Presidential Election for which I have been eligible to cast a vote (because I carry myself with such class and dignity...)

I did not vote in 2004 for a variety of reasons. First of all, I'm registered to vote in Georgia and was in college in Texas at the time so I felt voting absentee in a State I wasn't living in was pointless, but mostly I didn't vote because of typical college student apathy. I wasn't moved by either candidate to say the least. When you tell people that you didn't vote, they look at you like you have a disease.

"If you don't vote, then you have no right to complain about how things turn out!" They'll cry.

That's baloney. If you vote for someone, not because you believe in their platform, but because you find the other candidate to be so utterly repulsive the thought of them serving two, four or six years makes you dry heave then how is that any more productive for democracy than abstaining from voting?

I'm all over the political map. I'm a socially liberal person so voting for a candidate backed by the religious right is difficult for me. On the flip side, I want the government to, by and large, say out of my life so buying the Democratic brand of neo-socialism is also a problem. In 2004 I felt that we were stuck with the two most unappealing candidates for President in quite some time. I'm happy to report that honestly, I could live with either candidate up for election this year compared to Bush and Kerry.

That said, I'm still at a fundamental crossroad. I'm not particularly swayed by either candidate. I'm not sure either is completely equipped to run the country. I will probably cast a vote for one or the other, but I will remain neutral in this blog for the sake of making my point and not making this a "You should vote for candidate X because of A, B, C"

The problem with elections in this country isn't voter apathy by itself, it's voter apathy caused by the failure of the two party system in American politics. The two party system has done two things in this country. 1) It has eliminated real choice from all major elections and 2) It has so deeply divided Washington along political lines that the average American is put off by the whole process.

When you get bogged down in two years of political mudslinging, when the dust settles will the winner of the election honestly be able to mend the fences broken down by all the nastiness that comes with Presidential Elections? Not likely. How can Barack Obama expect Republicans to work with him when essentially for the last 6 months he has painted a bleak picture of present day America and blamed it all squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans? It's naive at best. And I'm not saying McCain is anymore likely to bring Washington together.

Abstaining from voting is really the last bastion of rebellion left in this country. You want to say you're mad as hell and you're not going to take it anymore? Don't vote. We shouldn't be reduced to voting for the candidate who is "the lesser of two evils" that's not fundamental democracy. Democracy is supposed to be about choice and we have none. Obama or McCain we're headed for at least four more years of partisan, unproductive politics. If we want to make our elections truly Democratic we need to add a "None of the Above" option to the ballot, that option would get more votes than you might think.



Anonymous said...

Vote once and only once . or ACORN will cancel your vote. We need to vote those who lead us into this situation out of office.
These are great you tubes: And you will see why we need to vote.




Anonymous said...

Utter rubbish. Not voting is a copout. If you aren't happy with the candidates, then run for office yourself. If the guy you side with wins, then do everything you can to help make him stick to your values and continue to represent you. If the guy you voted against wins, then work your ass off to make sure your side of the argument is HEARD. Don't sit on your ass and sleep through the election because the ideal candidate who rocks your world isn't on the ballot. That candidate doesn't exist! Democracy is about PARTICIPATION!

Anonymous said...

You need to vote or those leftist liberals and ACORN will take away your right to vote. Then they will take control. It is your right to vote. Do not lose it.

Anonymous said...

October Surprise. Vote


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are you afraid of the truth. Vote

Anonymous said...


Are you there? I have posted several comments and yet you have not posted them, Are you afraid of the TRUTH.



Anonymous said...

Perhaps youth and those who have never raised their right hand to protect and defend don't totally appreciate what our forefathers and many fathers and now mothers die for. After all it is only paper and a few words that give each of us certain rights, one of which is voting.
We have the choice and I agree many times the choices are not the best but better than the choice or no choice some countries have. So as a citizen express yourself and if you don't like the choices then write in your choice but at least vote.

Radio Sandy Springs said...

One thing must be clarified. My statement was in regards only to national elections.

The sad truth is, the elections that actually make a difference in our lives, local elections, are so poorly participated in it's pathetic.

America has persevered through Presidents good and bad, Republican and Democrat, and America will continue to persevere thanks to the will of the American people.

I intend to vote in my local elections. I feel like that is the utmost duty in this country to participate in your community. Vote for your local leaders. Help select your congressman and then hold those people accountable for their actions. Make sure they are doing their duty to represent you, not the outside interests that have way too much influence on both sides of the aisle.

That said, I still believe the Presidential election is a sham. Empty promises by both candidates that practically leave the American public to choose between which candidate the believe will screw things up less. That's not Democracy.

Anonymous said...

You Need To Vote:

Just In From Let Freedom RING:
When all the votes are cast on Election Day,

YOU won't be able to un-ring the bell.

It will all be over!

What are YOU doing to affect the outcome of this Election?

Dear Fellow American:

Our message is so vital that Bill O'Reilly shared it with millions of Americans this past Friday. In case you missed it, I want you to know about it now.

Bill O'Reilly reviewed two of our ads with Frank Luntz, who did extensive copy-testing on them with his focus group immediately before last Tuesday's Presidential debate. His summary comment was: "Let Freedom Ring has hit a home run."

Our "home run" is a series of ads called "Never Find Out."

Do you know how your actions and the actions of your friends and family will affect a generation of Americans? What happens when we elect a Senator who's part of the biggest financial crisis in U.S. history?

Please, America, let's Never Find Out.

Just take a couple of minutes to view our ads and I'm certain that you will understand the importance and the urgency of our message. You can see them at www.neverfindout.org.

Our message is so vital to the importance to the future of this great nation that we have committed over a million dollars to protect you and your family from an Obama Presidency. An Obama Presidency will change your life forever--and not for the better.

What the outcome is on the morning after Election Day will change your life forever. If it is Barack Obama, ask yourself this:

How bad will it get?

Only you know how tough the current financial crisis is for you. But you can bet that an Obama Presidency would make it make it worse!

Go to www.neverfindout.org to learn about the dangers of an Obama Presidency.

Obama stated that he would not raise taxes on people earning less than $250,000. However, he voted in the Senate to let the Bush tax cuts expire.

What do you call that?

Taking away the Bush tax cuts is no different than RAISING your taxes. It will not just raise the taxes of those earning over $250,000 it will be for EVERY American--100% across the board.

Go to www.neverfindout.org to learn about the dangers of an Obama Presidency.

This is only the beginning. Obama said he would remove the ceiling on Social Security (FICA) tax. That is a 6.2% tax increase on those people earning over $102,000.

If you are self-employed, that increase is 12.4%. That is just the beginning!

He only mentioned earnings. What about un-earned income, such as savings interest or dividends on your investments?

Many of us have retirement or college savings plans. The dividends accumulated in those funds will be taxed.

His increase in Capital Gains taxes by 13%, from 15% - 28% will take care of that.

What about the pensions our seniors whom are already collecting? Their pension checks are probably coming from mutual funds.

If you fall into that category, you can look for a 13% increase in Capital Gains Tax, which will reduce your retirement income.

Go to www.neverfindout.org to learn about the dangers of an Obama Presidency.

Barack Obama must be exposed NOW. We need your help TODAY.

Obama promised to raise taxes on those big bad corporations; those big bad corporations that gave you a job. Pray you do not work for one of them.

If you do, next holiday season you may not be standing on the checkout line in your favorite gift store. You'll more likely be standing on the unemployment line instead.

Go to www.neverfindout.org to learn about the dangers of an Obama Presidency.

Obama's total disregard to reform the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE's) has helped create the devastation that has led us to the biggest financial crisis in American history. He is part of the problem.

The media has stated that, "Obama benefitted politically from the financial crisis."

Guess who received campaign contributions from the people who drove Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into the ground?

Barack Obama, Christopher Dodd and John Kerry.

Who will be Obama's financial advisors in his cabinet? Think of the people with whom he has already aligned himself:

Franklin Raines, who cooked the books at Fannie Mae and walked away with $90 million; Do you want him as Secretary of the Treasury?

Jim Johnson, who was on his Vice Presidential search committee, was the former CEO of Fannie Mae. Would you want him to be appointed the Director of the Office of Management and Budget by a President Obama?

If this is what you want, Obama is your man. However, if you really want to know where your next meal is coming from, then share this message with your friends and family NOW.

Go to www.neverfindout.org to learn about the dangers of an Obama Presidency.

When all the votes are cast on Election Day, you won't be able to un-ring the bell. It's YOUR obligation to ensure your friends, family and neighbors don't vote for an Obama Presidency.

It will all be over in less than a few weeks. What are you doing to affect the outcome of this Election?

All Americans deserve to know the facts. Please help us to expose Barack Obama TODAY.

Yours in Freedom,

Colin A. Hanna
Let Freedom Ring, Inc.

P.S. Let Freedom Ring was created to inform the American people and bypass the major media - letting Americans know about the views of candidates on critical issues of our day, and we can't do it without YOUR help. Please Contribute TODAY to our exciting strategy for promoting constitutional government, economic freedom and traditional American values in the political process.

Here's a link that will take you right to a secure donation page just for Let Freedom Ring:



Anonymous said...

All Elections are important. From the lowest level to the highest level. Look at the Iraqis , they went to the polls to vote even though they knew they might get killed in doing so... This is the greatest country in the world and you must do your part in it.