Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Something for everyone

When I meet people out and about and tell them I work at Radio Sandy Springs, if they haven't heard of us, a number that is shrinking daily, they ask me what kind of programming we have. It's always hard for me to explain it because there is so much variety. No radio station is perfect, but I tell you what I'd bet money that Radio Sandy Springs is the most diverse radio station in America.

Are you interested in politics? Listen to Bob D'Agostino on Tuesday nights at 7pm and Gerry Purcell Monday mornings at 8am as they talk about the major political issues of our times. Are you worried about the present and future status of Health Care in America? Bill Bennett has been helping people deal with the rising cost of health care for more than 40 years and he can help you if you tune in Mondays at 10am. Richard Smith has been a pharmacist in the Atlanta area for a long time and Friday mornings at 9am he talks with experts and politicians about health care legislation. In recent months he's talked with Democratic Senate Candidate Jim Martin, State Senator Judson Hill and Georgia Insurance Commissioner and Gubernatorial Candidate John Oxendine.

If you have general health concerns we have plenty of programming right up your alley. On Mondays we have a show just for health care relating to eyes. Dr. Andrew Schatz brings you For Your Eyes a show about ophthalmology Mondays at 5. On Tuesdays at 4pm Jennifer Scully and Crystal Chin from Clinical Resources, a professional staffing company for nurses bring you Nurse View. Thursday mornings at 9 Dr. Barry McKernan, a pioneer in the world of videoscopic surgery, talks about all the news in the world of medicine.

Are you interested in food? Don't search up and down the dial for radio shows hosted by novices, Radio Sandy Springs has two food shows for you brought to you by people in the industry. Monday's at 11am Archna Becker hosts Curry Jam. Archna owns Bhojanic, a home style Indian cuisine restaurant, that has been named to many "Best of Atlanta" lists. Tuesday's at 11am we have Great Tastes from the Chef's Corner hosted by Jae Gruber. Jae worked in the restaurant business for a number of years before making a career shift to help mold the next generations of a great chefs at the renowned Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts. You won't find better food experts anywhere on the radio.

Are you an animal lover? Listens Tuesdays at 2pm to the Animal Hour as Professional Dog Trainer Susie Aga talks everything about the world of Animals from aardvarks to Zebras and everything in between. Are you a music fan? George Price talks with the best musicians around Atlanta on the Music Scene Tuesday afternoons at 3. For book lovers Gail Cohn talks with Authors on Book Talk with Gail Mondays at 1pm. And if you like Sports listen to my show The Instant Replay Wednesday at 8pm.

I know I've given you a lot of info already and I barely scratched the surface. To check out all of our programming go to this link and find the program for you.

At Radio Sandy Springs we truly have something for everyone!

- Dan

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