Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ring in the new year with new shows for 2011

With a new year bring new shows to Americas Web Radio. Stay tuned and to find out more on our new shows to come. Have a safe and blessed New Year! Get ready 2011, here we come!

1 comment:

America's Web Radio said...

How Many Lives Has obama ever Saved?
With obama and his merry men blocking, intimidating, coercing and whatever else they've done with over $2 million dollars to hide the truth about obama "the Liar" I ask you and myself, how many lives has obama ever saved.

LTC Dr. Terry Lakin, M.D. has saved and comforted many lives both in the military and in civilian life! Is the wrong person in prison? Shouldn't the liar that won't even show his birth certificate be the one in jail. While the doctor could be benefitting our society instead of drowning us in lies, Czars, bills and putting communist in power in Our government.

Impeach and imprison this liar in Our White House, start today by demanding your US Representative and Senators get LTC Lakin out of prison, restored to duty and his pension returned.

We, while other national media doesn't seem to want to touch this story, tune in beginning at 8A ET and help us with getting LTC Lakin freed!