Thursday, March 13, 2008

From David's Desk - Let IT Go Media

Obviously all the news or feature stories anyway, have been about the Governor of New York. I think he, without a doubt gets hypocrite of the year, so far. He is stupid, dumb, totally self centered and only cares about himself and obviously the "moment". We all figured that out. The victims are his three daughters and that makes me very sad for they did nothing and yet will carry this the rest of their lives. How could a father do that to his children?

We live in a very unsettled world and as road rage continues as a world we all seem to only care for "ME". It is my opinion that we must get back to caring for each other, right from wrong and most of all care about the young folks we call "our kids" that we've brought into this world. It is sort of like an ex-president, that didn't have sex in the Oval Office, what an example he set for kids of all ages. Well, if it's OK for the president then it must be OK for everyone. Great Guy and real family man, right!

Pat Montgomery does a good job with her show Parent's Rule. You know parents have to start being parents by teaching, by disciplining, and by loving!

These are my views at 6AM I don't think they'll change.

Have a Great Day today it's supposed to be beautiful while tomorrow may not be quite so nice.

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